Holy Days

Holy Days or Moedim

holy days blood covenant pictureWe celebrate the Feasts of Yehovah as they are instructed in the Torah. These Feasts were HIS Feasts (not a Feast of the Jews as many state today) and we are instructed to observe them for ALL time. This is for anyone that chooses to serve Yehovah and for those who claim Yeshua as their Messiah. These Feasts are called Moedim in Hebrew and mean appointed times. They are times when the Father comes to meet with HIS chosen ones and they have become a time of great celebration for us as we follow His instructions and rejoice that our names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

The Feasts of Yehovah are also shadow pictures of things to come. We need to understand that they are prophetic rehearsals that show us what the future holds for those who put their trust in Yeshua as their sacrifice for sin.

Many will ask “Why do you keep these Feasts which are now done away with?”. Great question and glad you asked….. First, no where in Scripture do you find they were done away with. NO WHERE! Second, 1 John 2:6 states If we claim we have Yeshua as our Messiah, we should live our life like He lived His. Both Yeshua and all the disciples kept the Feasts and so it is our honor to be invited to keep them as well.

holy days feasts picture


2024 Calendar of Holy Days and Holidays

Purim – It is NOT a moedim or appointed time but rather a great celebration of deliverance from the hands of evil. Something all Christians and Jews should be able to relate to as God has rescued us time and again from our own certain destruction. We celebrate Purim, but do NOT teach it is a command to do so.


PESACH / PASSOVER We will have Passover on Sunday April 13th at 6:00 pm Tentatively it will be at House of Scripture.

First Day of Matzah / Feast of Unleavened Bread High Holy Day Starts Sunday April 13th at Sundown thru Monday the 14th at Sundown. We extend our Passover Meal to also be meeting on this First Day of the Feast. Monday we suggest spending Family Time honoring the Creator.

Last Day of Matzah / Feast of Unleavened Bread High Holy Day Saturday April 19th at Sundown thru Sunday April 20th Sundown. We will meet on Sunday the 20th at 3:00 pm to celebrate the last day of the Feast.

SHAVUOT / Pentecost Sunday June 8th at 3:00 pm at the House of Scripture

The exact Fall Feasts will be determined by the sighting of the moon in Month 7. However, for Sukkot, we need to book over a year out so we have set the dates below. Actual High Holy Day dates may vary by one day.

YOM TERUAH / Feast of Trumpets TBD Probable Sept 23 sunset to Sept 24th sunset

YOM KIPPUR / Day of Atonement TBD Probable Oct 2nd sunset to October 3rd sunset

Day 1 is a High Holy Day and is likely the 6th at sunset through the 7th at sunset.
Day 8 is a High Holy Day and is likely the 14th at sunset through the 15th at sunset.
We check out on the 16th of October.


*Purim and Hanukah are NOT commanded Feasts of Yehovah. We choose to celebrate them for several reasons but do not teach you must observe them.

  • We know from Scripture that Yeshua attended the Feast of Hanukah so if it was good enough for Him it is good enough for us. Hanukah is also a great celebration of Yehovah’s mighty hand delivering his people from Greek sun god worship and we choose to celebrate this great event in Israel’s history.
  • Purim is celebrating another great day in Israel’s history which is recorded in the Bible in the book of Esther. We choose to celebrate this great Biblical event and enjoy a day rejoicing in Yehovah and praying for our brothers and sisters in Israel and around the globe.
  • We believe that there will be future significance in these dates in prophecy.
  • There is nothing wrong with celebrating Holidays that were not given by Yehovah as long as we don’t teach it as Law and it is not pagan in origin.

**Important. We may be one of the few assemblies you encounter that do not argue over their calendar. We schedule our Moedim on what we believe is the most accurate historical references. However, we know that we can not be 100% certain.
For more information on this or any Biblical calendar we will answer questions in person on two conditions.
1) You are asking out of genuineness of heart and not from an argumentative spirit.
2) You are regular attender at House of Scripture or contemplating attending on a regular basis.

We also are committed to not belittle others who see things differently and hope you will have the same heart and attitude as well.

***We Celebrate the Feast Days from sundown to sundown which is the true definition of a day in the time of Yeshua and as declared by the Almighty in the Torah.